The Killing of Kenneth Chamberlain

The Killing of Kenneth Chamberlain is a 2019 American thriller drama film written, produced and directed by David Midell and starring Frankie Faison as the real life titular character. It is based on the police shooting of Chamberlain that occurred on November 29, 2011, in White Plains, New York. Morgan Freeman and Lori McCreary serve as executive producers of the film.

MPAA Rating:NR
Genre:Drama, Thriller
Country:United States
Directed By:David Midell
Written By:David Midell
Cast:Kelly Owens, Daniel Houle, Antonio Polk, Kate Black-Spence, Christopher R Ellis, Dexter Zollicoffer, Angela Peel, Tom McElroy, Alexander Strong, Ben Marten, Frankie Faison, Eunice Woods, Linda Bright Clay, Steve O'Connell, Enrico Natale, Anika Noni Rose, LaRoyce Hawkins, Armando Reyes
In Theaters:Sep 17, 2021
Runtime:1 hour 23 minutes
Production:Redbird Entertainment, Marginal Mediaworks, Revelations Entertainment
Available On:Amazon, Itunes, Vudu
Read More On:Wikipedia