Jack Black told the story of how he was thrown off a water buffalo during the making of Tropic Thunder, and it has a heartwarming conclusion.
Danny McBride reveals that he once heard Robert Downey Jr. in character off-screen and the Iron Man star was completely committed.
Jack Black opened up about loving Tom Cruise's wacky performance in Tropic Thunder, and reveals what kind of project he thinks the two of them should do next together.
From Star Wars: Andor to Hocus Pocus 2 to Disney+ Day additions like Thor: Love and Thunder, the live action version of Pinocchio, and Cars on the Road, here's everything coming to Disney+ in September 2022.
While Dionysus still appears as a background character during Thor: Love and Thunder’s Omnipotence City sequence, this deleted scene reveals Simon Russell Beale’s Greek god originally had a somewhat larger role.
Russell Crowe's Zeus returns in a bunch of Thor: Love and Thunder deleted scenes on Blu-ray, along with the Guardians of the Galaxy.
Disney has confirmed that Thor: Love and Thunder will be available on Disney+ starting September 8, also rebranding the date as Disney+ Day.
It’s been almost 15 years since Tom Cruise played Les Grossman in Tropic Thunder, and apparently the actor is interested in revisiting the character.
Tom Cruise's crass, over-the-top, but legendary film producer Les Grossman could be back in an upcoming film.
Thor: Love and Thunder star Russell Crowe almost played Satan in the new Marvel movie.
The star of Thor: Love and Thunder's post-credits stinger tricked their parents by sending them to see the film... without telling them they were in it.