
Max Renn is the president of CIVIC-TV, a Toronto UHF television station specializing in sensationalist programming. Harlan, the operator of CIVIC-TV's unauthorized satellite dish, shows Max Videodrome, a plotless show apparently being broadcast from Malaysia which depicts anonymous victims being violently tortured and eventually murdered. Believing this to be the future of television, Max orders Harlan to begin unlicensed use of the show. Nicki Brand, a sadomasochistic radio host who becomes sexually involved with Max, is aroused by an episode of Videodrome, and goes to audition for the show when she learns that it is being broadcast out of Pittsburgh, but never returns. Max contacts Masha, a softcore pornographer, and asks her to help him find out the truth about Videodrome. Through Masha, Max learns that not only is the footage not faked, but it is the public "face" of a political movement. Masha further informs him that the enigmatic media theorist Brian O'Blivion knows about Videodrome.

MPAA Rating:R
Genre:Horror, Sci Fi, Thriller
Produced By:Victor Solnicki, Pierre David, Claude HÉRoux, Lawrence Nesis
Directed By:David Cronenberg
Written By:David Cronenberg
Cast:Peter Dvorsky, Sonja Smits, David Tsubouchi, David Cronenberg, Henry Gomez, Jayne Eastwood, Bob Church, Franciszka Hedland, James Woods, Kay Hawtrey, Debbie Harry, David Bolt, Sam Malkin, Lally Cadeau, Leslie Carlson, Julie Khaner, Jack Creley, Reiner Schwarz, Harvey Chao, Lynne Gorman
In Theaters:Feb 04, 1983
Runtime:1 hour 27 minutes
Production:Filmplan International, Guardian Trust Company
Box Office:$2,120,439
Available On:Amazon, Itunes, Vudu
Read More On:Wikipedia