The Corrupted

The Corrupted is a British crime thriller directed by Ron Scalpello from a screenplay by Nick Moorcroft. The film stars Sam Claflin, Timothy Spall, Hugh Bonneville, Naomi Ackie, Cathal Pendred, Shaun Dooley, Charlie Murphy, Noel Clarke and David Hayman, and follows an ex-convict who tries to win back the trust of his family after losing everything to a local crime syndicate.

MPAA Rating:R
Genre:Crime, Drama, Thriller
Country:United Kingdom
Directed By:Ron Scalpello
Written By:Nick Moorcroft
Cast:Decca Heggie, Cathal Pendred, Naomi Ackie, Timothy Spall, David Hayman, Sam Otto, George Russo, Joe Claflin, Noel Clarke, Aled Arhyel, Sam Claflin, Charlie Murphy, Don Gilet, Hugh Bonneville, Alan McKenna
In Theaters:Jan 17, 2020
Runtime:1 hour 43 minutes
Production:Motion Picture Capital, Creativity Capital, Eclipse Films, Reliance Entertainment Productions 8, Riverstone Pictures
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