The Corrupted is a British crime thriller directed by Ron Scalpello from a screenplay by Nick Moorcroft. The film stars Sam Claflin, Timothy Spall, Hugh Bonneville, Naomi Ackie, Cathal Pendred, Shaun Dooley, Charlie Murphy, Noel Clarke and David Hayman, and follows an ex-convict who tries to win back the trust of his family after losing everything to a local crime syndicate.
MPAA Rating: | R |
Genre: | Crime, Drama, Thriller |
Country: | United Kingdom |
Directed By: | Ron Scalpello |
Written By: | Nick Moorcroft |
Cast: | Decca Heggie, Cathal Pendred, Naomi Ackie, Timothy Spall, David Hayman, Sam Otto, George Russo, Joe Claflin, Noel Clarke, Aled Arhyel, Sam Claflin, Charlie Murphy, Don Gilet, Hugh Bonneville, Alan McKenna |
In Theaters: | Jan 17, 2020 |
Runtime: | 1 hour 43 minutes |
Production: | Motion Picture Capital, Creativity Capital, Eclipse Films, Reliance Entertainment Productions 8, Riverstone Pictures |
Read More On: | Wikipedia |