In Victorian-era Gotham City, Bruce Wayne is operating as the bat-garbed vigilante, the Batman, who is feared by the guilty and the innocent alike. One night, Batman saves a wealthy couple from being robbed by three orphans (Dickie, Jason and Timmy) and defeats their abusive handler, Big Bill Dust. At the same time, Ivy, an orphan turned exotic dancer and prostitute, becomes the newest victim of the serial killer called Jack the Ripper, who preys on Gotham's poor and destitute women.
MPAA Rating: | R |
Genre: | Action, Crime, Mystery, Adventure, Fantasy, Animation, Horror, Thriller |
Country: | United States |
Directed By: | Sam Liu |
Written By: | Bob Kane, Brian Augustyn, Bill Finger, Mike Mignola, James Krieg, Denny O'Neil, Dick Giordano, Eduardo Barreto |
Cast: | Bruce Greenwood, Bob Joles, Kari Wuhrer, Bruce Timm, Scott Patterson, Lincoln Melcher, John DiMaggio, William Salyers, Jennifer Carpenter, David Forseth, Tara Strong, Chris Cox, Yuri Lowenthal, Anthony Head, Grey Griffin |
In Theaters: | Feb 06, 2018 |
Runtime: | 1 hour 18 minutes |
Production: | DC Entertainment |
Available On: | Amazon, Itunes, Vudu |
Read More On: | Wikipedia |