The film begins on New Year's Day as six Long Island natives: Sal, his wife Meghan, Terry, Nate, Eric, and his girlfriend Lina discuss the pro's and con's of going into Manhattan on New Year's Eve. The group spent the holiday in Nassau County going to bars, and Terry makes the decision to drive home while intoxicated, resulting in a DWI arrest.
MPAA Rating: | NR |
Genre: | Comedy, Drama, Romance |
Country: | United States |
Produced By: | Douglas A. Torres, Bob Burton, Joe Murphy, Sean Murray, Chris Viemeister, Benjamin Levitt, Adam Lawrence, S. Hamza Ahmad, Larry Schachner |
Directed By: | Jason Michael Brescia |
Written By: | Jason Michael Brescia |
Cast: | Tombstone Stinton, Shannon McBride, Bob Burton, Annet Mahendru, Kate Connor, Mike Jones, Ryan Metcalf, Brianne Berkson, Daniella Rabbani, Rob Becerra, Joe Murphy, Sean Murray, Liz Larsen, Natalie Knepp, Arjun Gupta, Lucy Dolly Caires, Chris Viemeister, Kenneth Kimmins, Kurt Metzger, Mary Kate Wiles, Keith McMahon, John Halas, Joelene Wolfe, Robyn Rikoon, Georgia Warner, Wass Stevens, Michael Rivera, Andrew Burchett |
In Theaters: | Jan 13, 2015 |
Runtime: | 1 hour 35 minutes |
Production: | 1887 Pictures, Chelsea Street Productions, Beast of the East Productions |
Available On: | Itunes |
Read More On: | Wikipedia |