
After his performance as "Lord Bullingdon" in Stanley Kubrick’s Barry Lyndon, actor Leon Vitali gave up his career to become Kubrick’s personal assistant. For more than two decades Vitali played a crucial role behind-the-scenes helping Kubrick make and maintain his body of work. In Filmworker, Vitali’s experiences with Kubrick are brought together with previously unseen photos, videos, letters, notebooks and memos from his private collection. Interviews with actors, family, crew members and key film industry professionals who worked with Kubrick and Vitali are also utilized throughout the film.

MPAA Rating:NR
Country:United States
Directed By:Tony Zierra
Cast:Brian Capron, Marie Richardson, Brian Jamieson, Stellan Skarsgård, Leon Vitali, Julian Senior, Lisa Leone, R. Lee Ermey, Tim Colceri, Pernilla August, Treva Etienne, Matthew Modine, Danny Lloyd, Ryan O'Neal
In Theaters:May 11, 2018
Runtime:1 hour 34 minutes
Production:True Studio Media
Available On:Amazon, Itunes, Netflix
Read More On:Wikipedia