Pura Vida: The Real Taste of Life

MPAA Rating:NR
Genre:Adventure, Biography, Documentary, Sports
Country:United States, Poland, Spain, Romania, Canada, United Kingdom, Kazakhstan, Switzerland, Nepal
Produced By:Igor Otxoa, Marga GutiÉRrez
Directed By:Migueltxo Molina, Pablo Iraburu
Cast:Nancy Morin, Don Bowie, Ueli Steck, Mihnea Radulescu, Alexey Bolotov, Alex Gavan, Itiziar G. Zubiri, Sergey Bogomolov, Nima Nuru Sherpa, Robert Szymczak, Horia Colibasanu, Mingma Sherpa
In Theaters:Sep 23, 2012
Runtime:1 hour 26 minutes