Freddy Lupin is the young heir to a werewolf pack that has been protecting their local town for years. When he attempts to follow his family during their nightly patrol using a magical Moonstone, he inadvertently exposes the existence of werewolves to ice-cream truck owner Foxwell Cripp, and when Freddy's father, Flashheart, try’s to reassure Foxwell that he is not going to hurt him, and ends up scaring him off a cliff. Then he jumps to save the Foxwell, accidentally bumping into Freddy. Freddy ends up losing the Moonstone to Cripp and Flashheart is apparently killed when he falls off a cliff.
MPAA Rating: | NR |
Genre: | Adventure, Fantasy, Animation, Family, Comedy |
Country: | Australia, Belgium |
Directed By: | Alexs Stadermann |
Written By: | Stephanie Zehnal, Alexs Stadermann, David Breen, Fin Edquist, Ranald Allan |
Cast: | Jessica Window, Loren Gray, Cam Ralph, Jai Courtney, Rhys Darby, Kate Hall, Alexs Stadermann, Adriane Daff, Jenna Suffern, Ilai Swindells, Jerra Wright-Smith, James Marsh, Akmal Saleh, Jane Lynch, Liam Graham |
In Theaters: | Dec 01, 2020 |
Runtime: | 1 hour 36 minutes |
Production: | Create NSW, Flying Bark Productions, Lotterywest, ReDefine, Screen Australia |
Box Office: | $512,805 |
Available On: | Amazon, Netflix, Vudu |
Read More On: | Wikipedia |