Inside Out 2 is great, but it could teach Pixar and Disney the wrong lessons.
The movies of Marvel Phase 4 have featured some of the better villains in the franchise, as several of these "baddies" have been the characters whose emotional reality their respective films are most invested in.
By now, you've probably heard about the case of Michelle Carter. Carter was accused at age 17 and tried for the involuntary manslaughter of her boyfriend, 18-year-old Conrad Roy III, by allegedly convincing himself to commit suicide via her text messages. To most people, the case seems fairly clear cut on its surface. A "normal" human being sees a person who is threatening suicide and intervenes to prevent harm. Michelle, on the other hand, supported and encouraged Conrad's desire to commit suicide. Therefore, Michelle must be a monster. But when you watch Erin Lee Carr's …
The "Am I The Only One Around Here?" meme has its origin in one of the most popular movies from the Coen Brothers. Here's the story of it.