Presented in a found footage style, David Dastmalchian stars as Jack Delroy, the host of a fictional 1970s variety and late-night talk show titled Night Owls with Jack Delroy. The film purports to be derived from a rediscovered master tape of an episode from the show's sixth season, broadcast on Halloween 1977; during this live television broadcast, havoc unfolds when Delroy interviews a parapsychologist (Laura Gordon) and the subject of her recent book, a young teenager (Ingrid Torelli) who was the sole survivor of a Satanic church's mass suicide.
MPAA Rating: | R |
Genre: | Horror |
Country: | Australia, United Arab Emirates |
Directed By: | Cameron Cairnes, Colin Cairnes |
Written By: | Cameron Cairnes, Colin Cairnes |
Cast: | Steve Mouzakis, Ingrid Torelli, Ian Bliss, Josh Quong Tart, Laura Gordon, Rhys Auteri, Mitchell Brotz, Nicole Chapman, Michael Ironside, Gaby Seow, David Dastmalchian, Fayssal Bazzi, Chase Kauffman, Paula Arundell, Elise Jansen, Georgina Haig, Jessirose Streker, Christopher Kirby |
In Theaters: | Mar 22, 2024 |
Runtime: | 1 hour 32 minutes |
Production: | Future Pictures, Good Fiend Films, Image Nation, Spooky Pictures, IFC Films |
Box Office: | $10,001,000 |
Available On: | Amazon, Itunes |
Read More On: | Wikipedia |