Sixty-five million years ago, on the planet Somaris, pilot Mills is convinced by his wife that he should take on a two-year space expedition to earn the money needed to treat their daughter Nevine's illness. During the journey, his spaceship, the Zoic, is hit by a mass of asteroids and crash lands on an alien planet, Earth. With his ship damaged beyond repair, he finds that his passengers have been killed and contemplates suicide until he finds a lone survivor, a young girl named Koa. Mills sends a distress beacon for rescue and decides to take care of Koa. However, they have difficulty communicating due to differing languages and a broken translator.

MPAA Rating:PG-13
Genre:Action, Adventure, Drama, Thriller, Sci Fi
Country:United States
Directed By:Bryan Woods, Scott Beck
Written By:Bryan Woods, Scott Beck
Cast:Nika Williams, Ariana Greenblatt, Adam Driver, Chloe Coleman
In Theaters:Mar 10, 2023
Runtime:1 hour 33 minutes
Production:Raimi Productions, Beck Woods, Bron Creative, Columbia Pictures, Sony Pictures Entertainment (SPE)
Box Office:$13,380,291
Available On:Netflix, Vudu
Read More On:Wikipedia