Russell Crowe reminisces about working with Ryan Gosling and trying not to laugh during the making of 'The Nice Guys.'
Zack Snyder is no stranger to criticism, but one about him masturbating has stuck with him.
Sometimes, you watch a movie for the first time and it's not that good. Or maybe it's good, but not great. And then a year or so goes by -- maybe longer -- and you watch that same movie again and somehow, some way, it's better than you remember it. And it keeps getting better each time you watch it. Maybe it's because you're a little older and a little wiser, so you understand the movie a little bit better, or maybe you just start to pick up on small details and are able to appreciate its …
Rachel and Monica were best friends, but there were many times where Rachel was a terrible friend to Monica, and everyone chose to ignore it.
Lily invented "Aldrin Justice" in How I Met Your Mother; the HIMYM character took away people's items as punishment to those who wronged her.
The mid-season finale of Rick and Morty, "Rattlestar Ricklactica," made reference to a lot of classic time travel movies. Here's a rundown of them.
HBO's Watchmen season 1 Angela Abar (Regina King) and Dr. Manhattan egg-related twist cliffhanger was foreshadowed throughout the season.
The Joker’s obsessive relationship with Batman goes beyond hero and villain - and he constantly admits he's in love with the Dark Knight.
Ocassionally, we all need a good cry, and movies can provide that. Here are some of the best tear-jerkers out there to waste all your tissues on.
Dragon Ball Z charts Vegeta's constant struggle to surpass the strength of his Saiyan rival, Goku. Here are all the times he actually achieved that.
The general Doctor Who narrative suggests that companions always emerge from their TARDIS travels better for the experience. This isn't exactly true.
Akira Toriyama, creator of the Dragon Ball franchise, planned to end the story on several occasions before he actually managed to do so.
Aubrey Plaza's Legion character, Lenny Busker, has had a rather complicated journey on the FX series. Here's every time she's died.
The Umbrella Academy's villains are the Commission, a group who travel through time to ensure certain events occur. Here's everything they change.
More often than not, Lucasfilm tries to hold back as much information as possible for their upcoming projects. A majority of their teasers and trailers attempt to reveal only a taste of their films, holding back major plot points let alone spoilers. But everyone makes mistakes, and Lucasfilm is no different.