The 20-episode unscripted reality series Marvel’s Hero Project (available to stream at Disney+) is an up-close and personal look at the lives of 20 kids from across the country, who are doing incredibly amazing and remarkable things to help their communities. Each episode spotlights one specific inspiring kid and their family, surprising the young heroes with a comic that illustrates why they’re each a hero, in their own right. During this interview with Collider, executive producers Sana Amanat (VP, Content & Character Development at Marvel), John Hirsch and Maura Mandt (for MaggieVision Productions) talked about being …
If you need a hopeful, uplifting, and positive force for change in your streaming schedule, turn to the Disney+ docu-series, Marvel's Hero Project. The non-fiction show reveals the remarkable, positive change 20 young, real-life heroes are making in their own communities. These inspiring, driven and engaging kids have dedicated their lives to selfless acts of bravery and kindness, and now, Marvel celebrates them by welcoming them into Marvel’s Hero Project. The episodes are set up like this: The first, introductory part sees various Marvel Comics execs highlighting the impact that the young hero in question …