Land of Dreams

Land of Dreams is a 2021 American comedy film directed by Shoja Azari and Shirin Neshat and starring Sheila Vand.

MPAA Rating:NR
Country:United States
Directed By:Shoja Azari, Shirin Neshat
Written By:Shoja Azari, Jean-Claude Carrière
Cast:Augusta Allen-Jones, Bodhi Rader, Nicole Ansari-Cox, Robin Bartlett, Joaquim De Almeida, Christopher McDonald, Anna Gunn, Rachelle Carson, Matthew Blood-Smyth, Rebecca Comerford, William Moseley, Mohammed Ghaffari, Sofia Embid, Matt Dillon, Gaius Charles, Isabella Rossellini, James Cady, Sheila Vand
In Theaters:Sep 16, 2022
Runtime:1 hour 54 minutes
Production:Bon Voyage Films, Land of Dreams, Palodeon Pictures
Available On:Amazon, Itunes, Vudu
Read More On:Wikipedia