The body of a teenager named Jamie Marks, the social outcast of his small town, is found by the river. His ghost is then seen by two high school students: Gracie Highsmith, who discovered the body, and Adam McCormick. As time progresses they begin to understand why he is coming to them specifically. In life, Jamie was in love with Adam, but thought the love unrequited. Over time, Adam admits that he had noticed Jamie in life but had never pursued friendship on any level. In death, Jamie finds the courage to court Adam. Adam and Jamie begin a loving but platonic relationship, which is complicated by their outside relationships in the spirit and material worlds.
MPAA Rating: | NR |
Genre: | Drama, Fantasy, Mystery |
Country: | United States |
Produced By: | Rachel Schnipper, Alex Orlovsky, John Logan, Hezi Bezalel, Omri Bezalel, Jacob Jaffke, Zeke Dunn, Hunter Gray, Michael W. Gray, Dawn Cullen Jonas, Marcelo Gandola, Trace Henderson |
Directed By: | Carter Smith |
Written By: | Carter Smith, Christopher Barzak |
Cast: | Ronen Rubinstein, Fred Tolliver Jr., Noah Silver, Barbara Collins, Morgan Saylor, Nadia Alexander, Judy Greer, Peter Pamela Rose, Jordyn DiNatale, Connor Antico, Lizzy DeClement, Maryann Urbano, Madisen Beaty, Jason Capuano, Adrian Enscoe, Brett DelBuono, Austin Gelfman, Sho Suzuki, Liv Tyler, Andrew Polk, Erin Wilhelmi, Cameron Monaghan, Ryan Munzert |
In Theaters: | Jan 19, 2014 |
Runtime: | 1 hour 41 minutes |
Production: | Verisimilitude, Mountaintop Productions |
Budget: | $2,200,000 |
Available On: | Amazon, Itunes, Vudu |
Read More On: | Wikipedia |