From director Max Winkler (Flower, Brooklyn Nine-Nine), the drama Jungleland follows brothers Stanley (Charlie Hunnam) and Lion (Jack O’Connell), whose tight bond keeps them pushing for more out of life as they try to escape their circumstances by traveling across the country for a no-holds-barred boxing match. Forced to chaperone an unexpected companion (Jessica Barden) due to a hefty debt owed to a local crime boss (Jonathan Majors) and shouldering the pressure of winning the match, Stanley and Lion's bond is pushed to the limits. During this in-depth 1-on-1 chat with Collider, …
What compels a man to beat the shit out of his fellow man? Some excellent cinema has been made of this fundamental question, from crowd-pleasers like Rocky to muckrakers like Fight Club. Now, in a Collider exclusive trailer reveal, we can see how Jungleland aims to emotionally add to this conversation, promising exacting, desperate performances and a sensitively beating heart. From co-writer and director Max Winkler (Flower), Jungleland stars Jack O'Connell (Unbroken) as a bare-knuckle boxer named Lion, and Charlie Hunnam (The Gentlemen) as his brother and trainer named Stanley. Stanley owes money thanks to a …