
In a small Massachusetts town in the 1990s, the Adler's Paint baseball team, led by Ed Mortainian, face the Riverdogs, led by Graham Morris, in one last game before their stadium is demolished to make room for a new school.

MPAA Rating:NR
Genre:Comedy, Drama
Country:United States, France
Directed By:Carson Lund
Written By:Nate Fisher, Carson Lund, Michael Basta
Cast:Wayne Diamond, Ray Hryb, David Torres Jr., Paul Kandarian, Brendan Burt, Keith Williams Richards, Stephen Radochia, Jeff Saint-Dic, Keith Poulson, Cliff Blake, Frederick Wiseman, David Pridemore, Conner Marx, Nate Fisher, Bill Lee, Chris Goodwin, Joe Castiglione, Theodore Bouloukos
In Theaters:Mar 07, 2025
Runtime:1 hour 38 minutes
Production:A Major Production, ColdFeet Films, Through the Lens Entertainment, Nord-Ouest Films, Omnes Films
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