The Life List

After the death of her mother, Alex revisits her childhood aspirations, endeavoring to achieve her old goals, only to discover that pursuing these lifelong dreams takes her on an unforeseen and surprising journey.

MPAA Rating:PG-13
Genre:Comedy, Drama, Romance
Country:United States
Directed By:Adam Brooks
Written By:Adam Brooks, Lori Nelson Spielman
Cast:Rachel Zeiger-Haag, Ben Warheit, Dario Ladani Sanchez, Jordi Mollà, Maria Jung, Sofia Carson, Marianne Rendón, José ZúñIga, Donnetta Lavinia Grays, Sebastian De Souza, Lila Midkiff, Federico Rodriguez, Chelsea Frei, Luca Padovan, Michael Rowland, Connie Britton, Kyle Allen, Jonathan Lipnick
In Theaters:Mar 28, 2025
Runtime:2 hours 3 minutes
Production:3dot productions
Available On:Netflix
Read More On:Wikipedia