Rosario Dawson is an actor who thrives in gritty works of genre, from Quentin Tarantino's Death Proof, to comic book adaptations like Sin City and the dearly departed Netflix Daredevil-universe, to the upcoming USA mystery Briarpatch. Now, she's adding a new gritty piece of comic book genre storytelling to her resume. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Dawson is set to star in DMZ, the forthcoming HBO Max comic book series from director/executive producer Ava DuVernay. The show, based on the Vertigo comic from Brian Wood and Riccardo Burchielli, takes place in a near-future Manhattan. And …
Filmmaker Ava DuVernay has found her next project following her critically acclaimed Netflix limited series When They See Us. The Selma director has signed on to helm a pilot for an adaptation of the comic series DMZ for Warner Bros.' upcoming streaming service HBO Max. Per Variety, filming on the pilot is due to begin in early 2020, which means this project is taking precedence before DuVernay directs her big DC Comics movie New Gods at Warner Bros. DMZ takes place in a near future where an American civil war has left Manhattan a demilitarized zone (hence the title) that …
Filmmaker Ava DuVernay has found her next project following her critically acclaimed Netflix limited series When They See Us. The Selma director has signed on to helm a pilot for an adaptation of the comic series DMZ for Warner Bros.' upcoming streaming service HBO Max. Per Variety, filming on the pilot is due to begin in early 2020, which means this project is taking precedence before DuVernay directs her big DC Comics movie New Gods at Warner Bros. DMZ takes place in a near future where an American civil war has left Manhattan a demilitarized zone (hence the title) that …