
"Set in the not-too-distant future, this intense sci-fi thriller explores the repercussions that humanity faces when omniscient technology becomes a substitute for human contact. But life begins to unravel when a meteor shower and a global storm causes electronics to go haywire, leading to terrifying, deadly consequences."

MPAA Rating:R
Genre:Sci Fi, Thriller
Country:United States, Poland
Directed By:Agata Alexander
Written By:Agata Alexander, Jason Kaye, Rob Michaelson
Cast:Alice Eve, Richard Pettyfer, Toni Garrn, Cybill Lui, Garance Marillier, Piotr Polak, Mostafa Medhat, Olga Boladz, Tomasz Kot, Alex Pettyfer, Thomas Jane, Annabel Mullion, Stephen Mao, Annabelle Wallis, Benedict Samuel, Rupert Everett, Kylie Bunbury, Patrick Schwarzenegger
In Theaters:Oct 22, 2021
Runtime:1 hour 25 minutes
Production:Anova Pictures, Lost Lane Entertainment, Particular Crowd, Studio Mao, Film Produkcja, Needle's Eye Productions
Available On:Amazon, Itunes, Vudu
Read More On:Wikipedia