Through a partnership with Adult Swim's animated pop culture phenomenon, Rick and Morty, this year's Pringles ad goes where no Big Game ad has gone before. Here's what Gareth Maguire, senior director of marketing for Pringles, had to say about the spot (which you can watch below): "With alternate universes taking a front seat in pop culture with television and movies, we love how ahead of trend Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland were when developing the concept for the show. The Pringles brand aims to do the same with flavor development and product innovations. As a result, …
A Pringles Super Bowl ad features Rick and Morty trapped in a Pringles commercial, which will air during Super Bowl LIV on Sunday, February 2.
Rick and Morty teases their creepy new Super Bowl ad, which sees a robot Morty training a whole classroom of robot Pringles flavor stackers.