
Struggling actor James (Jessie Usher) pays his bills by driving people around Los Angeles for a ride-sharing service. James' shift starts out like any other, until he hits it off with a beautiful woman named Jessica (Bella Thorne) whom he picks up. He drops her off at a local place to which she invites him inside for a drink. He refuses as he already has his next fare. At his next pick-up destination, James meets the fast-talking Bruno (Will Brill), who has just suffered from a recent break-up with his girlfriend. He convinces James to invite Jessica along for a wild night out. They then head back to the club to find her but whilst James and Jessica talk inside, things take a shocking turn and Bruno drives off with the car to a random location. There he adjusts the doors and turns on the child locks. He heads back to pick up the two and they head off toward their destination.

MPAA Rating:NR
Country:United States
Directed By:Jeremy Ungar
Written By:Jeremy Ungar
Cast:Jessie T. Usher, Bella Thorne, Sara Lindsey, Will Brill, Hailee Keanna Lautenbach, Byron L. Hopkins
In Theaters:Oct 05, 2018
Runtime:1 hour 19 minutes
Production:Unified Pictures, Look to the Sky Films
Available On:Amazon, Itunes
Read More On:Wikipedia