In the near future, two teenage sisters, Nell and Eva, live in a remotely located home with their father in a forest. There is a massive, continent-wide power outage that appears to be part of a region-wide technological collapse. The car battery is drained, so they are left stranded for days. Their father eventually gets the car working and they make it to the nearest town, where they buy supplies including gas from a man named Stan. Eva later attends dance class while her sister meets up with her boyfriend, Eli. Returning home, they see a stranded car and the girls' father offers to help the passengers, but the family move on after they brandish guns. The father says that they will not return to town until the power is restored. Later, while cutting down a tree, he cuts his leg badly with a chainsaw. Knowing he is bleeding to death, he tells the girls to take care of each other and love one another. They bury him where he died in the forest.
MPAA Rating: | R |
Genre: | Drama, Sci Fi |
Country: | Canada |
Produced By: | Kelly Bush Novak, Haroon Saleem, Jason Cloth, Kristina Sorensen, Sriram Das, Fraser Ash, Steven Thibault, Steve Shapiro, Margot Hand, Niv Fichman, Kevin Krikst, Kelly Morel, Ron Mcleod, Elliot Page, Aaron L. Gilbert, Adrian Love, Allan J. Stitt |
Directed By: | Patricia Rozema |
Written By: | Jean Hegland, Patricia Rozema |
Cast: | Ronin Cara, Simon Longmore, Owen Cara, Jordana Largy, Wendy Crewson, Callum Keith Rennie, Sandy Sidhu, Crystal Pite, Elliot Page, Lorne Cardinal, Bethany Brown, Michael Eklund, Katherine Cowie, Evan Rachel Wood, Brittany Willacy, Max Minghella |
In Theaters: | Jul 29, 2016 |
Runtime: | 1 hour 41 minutes |
Production: | Rhombus Media, BRON Studios |
Box Office: | $9,995 |
Available On: | Amazon, Itunes, Vudu |
Read More On: | Wikipedia |