Let's be clear: both Captain Marvel and Shazam! are good superhero movies well worth seeing. They're doing very different things within the same broad genre: Captain Marvel's a science fiction war story, Shazam!'s a fantasy-teen comedy hybrid. Pitting two such different films directly against each other would seem pointless and forced... but there's one small thing which will make everyone compare the two films. We're not talking about the competition between DC and Marvel, or even about rantings of the dedicated minority that decided to hate on Captain Marvel before even seeing it. We're talking about how they're both, in a sense, "Captain Marvel" movies. The nameless superhero at the center of Shazam! used to be called Captain Marvel, but a long legal saga found Marvel Comics claiming the "Captain Marvel" trademark and the ex-Fawcett/now-DC-owned hero being marketed as "Shazam" (his official name now in the comics).