A powerful terrorist known as "The Cobra", has infected Sean Davidson, the American Ninja, with a deadly virus as human guinea pigs in his biological warfare experiments. Sean and his partners Curtis Jackson and Dexter have no choice but to fight The Cobra and his army of genetically-engineered ninja clones led by the female ninja Chan Lee.
MPAA Rating: | R |
Genre: | Action, Drama |
Country: | Canada, South Africa, United States |
Produced By: | John Stodel, Harry Alan Towers, Avi Lerner |
Directed By: | Cedric Sundstrom |
Written By: | Avi Kleinberger, Gary Conway, Gideon Amir |
Cast: | Robn Meeks, David Bradley, Thomas Witt, Leonardo Donofri, Andre Jordan, George Wong, Warren Bregman, Mike Stone, Stephen Webber, Michele B. Chan, Yehuda Efroni, Steve James, Mike Huff, Kevin Friedlander, Alan Swerdlow, Ashley Waldorf, Marjoe Gortner, Evan J. Klisser, Ian Duncan, John Barrett, Grant Preston, Adrienne Pierce, Eckard Rabe, Calvin Jung, Thorsten Wedekind, Thapelo Mofokeng |
In Theaters: | Feb 24, 1989 |
Runtime: | 1 hour 29 minutes |
Production: | Breton Film Productions, The Cannon Group |
Box Office: | $902,152 |
Available On: | Amazon |
Read More On: | Wikipedia |