Jojo Rabbit

During the collapse of Nazi Germany in the city of Falkenheim, ten-year-old Johannes "Jojo" Betzler joins the Deutsches Jungvolk, the junior section of the Hitler Youth (HJ). Heavily indoctrinated with Nazi ideals, he has an imaginary friend named Adolf, a buffoonish version of Adolf Hitler. The local HJ training camp is run by the conflicted Captain Klenzendorf. Though a fanatic, Jojo is nicknamed "Jojo Rabbit" after refusing to kill a rabbit to prove his worthiness. Pepped up by Adolf, he returns to prove himself, throwing a Stielhandgranate by himself that explodes at his feet. His mother Rosie insists to the now-demoted Klenzendorf that Jojo still be included, giving him small tasks like spreading propaganda leaflets.

MPAA Rating:PG-13
Genre:Comedy, Drama, War
Country:United States, New Zealand, Czech Republic, Germany
Directed By:Taika Waititi
Written By:Christine Leunens, Taika Waititi
Cast:Judith Georgi, Scarlett Johansson, Joe Weintraub, Bethany Adams, Rebel Wilson, Roman Griffin Davis, Sitara Attaie, Stephen Merchant, Iva Sindelková, Taika Waititi, Brian Caspe, Victoria Hogan, Stanislav Callas, Sam Rockwell, James McVan, Alfie Allen, Thomasin McKenzie, Luke Brandon Field
In Theaters:Oct 18, 2019
Runtime:1 hour 48 minutes
Production:Czech Anglo Production, Defender Films, Fox Searchlight Pictures, Piki Films
Box Office:$33,370,906
Available On:Amazon, Itunes, Vudu
Read More On:Wikipedia