Gleason is an American documentary film released in 2016, covering five years in the life of the former New Orleans Saints football defensive back, Steve Gleason, who suffers from Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), sometimes known as Lou Gehrig's disease, a rare incurable neurodegenerative condition associated with the former New York Yankees baseball star, Lou Gehrig, who died from the disease in 1941. Read more on Wikipedia.
MPAA Rating: | R |
Genre: | Documentary |
Country: | United States |
Produced By: | Mary Rohlich, Seth Gordon, Tom Lavia, Thomas Mceachin, Kevin Lake, Shannon E. Riggs, Tenny Priebe, Scott Fujita, Justin Bergeron, Kimi Culp |
Directed By: | Clay Tweel |
Written By: | Clay Tweel |
Cast: | Jill Varisco, John Elway, Mike Gleason, Kurt Warner, Kyle Gleason, Rivers Gleason, Steve Gleason, Paul Varisco Sr., Kevin Dedmon, Jim Eutizzi, Gail Gleason, Vinnie Varisco, Scott Fujita, Ryan Gootee, Brendan Weber, Mike McKenzie, Drew Brees, Michel Varisco-Gleason, Paul Varisco Jr., Jesse Jackson |
In Theaters: | Jul 29, 2016 |
Runtime: | 1 hour 50 minutes |
Production: | Exhibit A, IMG Original Content |
Box Office: | $576,589 |