Have you ever casually signed into the Netflix home page only to have the streamer immediately and extremely loudly suggest you start watching its new sci-fi original about horny dystopian teens? Well, no more, my friends. Our long national nightmare is over. Today, Netflix announced that it will allow you to turn off autoplay on both "the next episode in a series" and "previews while browsing." "Some people find this feature helpful. Others not so much," Netflix wrote in a statement directed, strangely, at a random Twitter user. "We’ve heard the feedback loud and clear — members can now …
The annoying trailers that play each time you hover over a title are now a thing of the past. Here's how to turn off Netflix's autoplay previews.
Players in Death Stranding now have the ability to turn off the extended warning which previously happened every time they encountered BTs.
Star of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Kendall Jenner reveals what are the biggest turn-on and turn-offs when it comes to looking for a mate.