Thomas Mikal Ford

Thomas Mikal Ford (September 5, 1964 – October 12, 2016) was an American actor and comedian. He was best known for his role as Thomas "Tommy" Strawn on the FOX sitcom Martin which originally aired from 1992 until 1997. He also had a recurring role as Mel Parker in the UPN sitcom The Parkers from 1999 until 2001. He was also known for his role as Lt. Malcolm Barker on New York Undercover, which also aired on FOX.

Born:Sep 15, 1964 in Yonkers, NY, United States
Died:Oct 12, 2016
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GenreComedy, Romance
GenreAction, Drama
GenreCrime, Drama, Thriller
GenreComedy, Crime, Drama
GenreDrama, Short Film