Here are 12 movies and series that show why Michael K. Williams was the king...
Created, co-written and expertly directed by Ava DuVernay, the four-part Netflix limited series When They See Us chronicles the notorious case of the five teenagers of color from Harlem – Antron McCray, Kevin Richardson, Yusef Salaam, Raymond Santana and Korey Wise – who became labeled the Central Park Five, after being accused of a violent rape in New York in the spring of 1989. After being questioned as teenagers and pressured to confess, they were convicted and sentenced and served between 6 and 13 years in prison before their exoneration in 2002, and watching their journey will break your heart, …
From writer/director/producer Emilio Estevez, the drama The Public documents an act of civil disobedience that turns into a dangerous stand-off with police when the homeless patrons of the downtown Cincinnati library seek shelter from the life-threatening cold. While the media rushes to judgment and politicians think about how it all makes them look, this David vs. Goliath story tackles the prevalent and challenging issues of homelessness and mental illness, and how just because you can’t afford to have a roof over your head, it doesn’t mean that you’re any less worthy or human. …