William Shatner

William Shatner (born March 22, 1931) is a Canadian actor, author, producer, and director. In his seven decades of television, Shatner became a cultural icon for his portrayal of James T. Kirk, Captain of the USS Enterprise, in the Star Trek franchise. He has written a series of books chronicling his experiences playing Captain Kirk and being a part of Star Trek, and has co-written several novels set in the Star Trek universe. He has written a series of science fiction novels called TekWar, which were adapted for television. Read more on Wikipedia.

Born:Mar 22, 1931 in Montreal, Quebec, Canada
GenreBiography, Documentary
GenreAction, Animation, Comedy
GenreAction, Biography, Comedy, Documentary, War
GenreComedy, Short Film
GenreShort Film
GenreHorror, Thriller