Naomi Ackie, Toni Collette, and Mark Ruffalo are set to join Robert Pattinson in Bong Joon Ho's upcoming sci-fi movie based on Edward Ashton's novel Mickey7.
After scoring with audiences and critics with Paradise, Oscar-winning director Bong Joon-ho finally found his follow-up with The Batman's Robert Pattinson possibly in the mix.
Bong Joon Ho’s Memories of Murder was only his second feature film as a director and it is genuinely incredible. A real-life murder mystery that was only recently solved earlier this year, it tells the story of a series of grisly murders in South Korea and the investigators’ flawed attempt to uncover the killer. Visually striking, with rich performances and some truly edge-of-your-seat moments, we recently ranked it as the director’s very best film in a filmography populated exclusively by very good films. And, if for some reason you’ve never seen Memories of …
What makes Bong Joon Ho one of our greatest filmmakers is that he’s unafraid to make damning indictments of society without ever coming off as preachy. There are times when he comes perilously close and may even slightly stumble (hi, Okja), but for the most part, he excels at crafting compelling, complicated characters to show our complicity in the systems we rely on for a society that fails all of us. It’s not as simple as “people are bad, so society is bad,” but rather than we are so deeply flawed as individuals that the systems we create …
Chances are you now know who Bong Joon-ho is. But long before his history-making Academy Award wins (including a Best Director, Best Picture and Best Foreign Feature award), he was already one of the most exciting, talented filmmakers on the planet. This isn’t hyperbole, either; getting to watch each one of his films felt like the act of uncovering some delicate treasure, one full of life, character, intricate detail, and style. He’s only made a handful of films, but they’re all unforgettable (making a list of “best” to “worst” doesn’t quite work because they’…
Bong Joon-Ho's film nabbed four Oscars at the 92nd Academy Awards.
Earlier this year (the before times), Bong Joon-ho's incredible satire Parasite surprised us all by winning four Academy Awards including Best Picture and Best Director. It was a major victory for the excellent movie that followed a group of working-class grifters who ingratiate themselves to a rich family of callous morons. However, some may have bristled at a film with (gasp!) subtitles or watching a film that has no recognizable Western stars. Thankfully, bar to entry has never been lower with Parasite as the Oscar-winning film arrives today on Hulu. The film is already relatable with …
After winning a trio of Oscars for Parasite, Bong Joon Ho has told Empire that he wants to make a musical -- which may be exactly what the world needs during these trying times. “I would love to make a musical,” said Bong. “Characters would begin singing, then think, ‘Oh my God, fuck this, this is too cheesy,’ and stop suddenly. There are amazing musical films, like Singin’ in the Rain. But when I watch them, I feel very embarrassed and start blushing. So it would have to be… different.” I think it goes without saying that a Bong Joon Ho …
Fresh off of winning all of the Oscars for his film Parasite, international heartthrob Bong Joon Ho crafted a list of 20 rising directors he predicts will shape the art of filmmaking over the next decade. Bong’s list, published as guest editor of Sight and Sound magazine for the BFI, is predictably smart, and if nothing else it should serve as a great list of movie suggestions to add to your respective streaming queues immediately. [caption id="attachment_647240" align="alignright" width="360"] Image via Netflix[/caption] It’s hard to argue with Bong’s predictions - the group of filmmakers …
After winning four Oscars for Parasite, including Best Picture and Best Director, it's safe to say that Bong Joon Ho is the toast of the town. Everyone in Hollywood wants to work with Bong, so to say he's in high demand right now would be an understatement. Bong recently revealed that he's preparing two projects at the moment. “One is a Korean-language one, and the other one is an English-language one," explained the filmmaker. "Both projects are not big films. They’re the size of Parasite or Mother. The Korean film is located in Seoul …
Check out the impressive body of work from 2020's Best Director and Best Picture winner.
Check out the impressive body of work from 2020's Best Director and Best Picture winner.
If you loved Parasite (as well you should), here are some other high-quality movies worth checking out on different streaming services!
If you missed the 92nd Academy Awards, the important thing to know is that director Bong Joon Ho's Parasite pretty much won all of them, making history along the way as the first foreign-language film to win Best Picture and first Korean movie to snag Best Director and Best Original Screenplay. It also just happens to be a genuine masterpiece, and now you'll have the chance to own a physical version of the film with all the bells and whistles it deserves when it gets the Criterion Collection treatment along with Director Bong's 2003 crime drama, …
Bong Joon-Ho's fame skyrocketed after the success of Parasite. But he's not new when it comes to directing and has several good films under his belt.