One of the most iconic episodes of the iconic sitcom The Office is the Season 6 episode “Niagara,” in which Jim and Pam finally tie the knot. John Krasinski and Jenna Fischer’s will they/won’t they romance was the beating heart of The Office for the show’s first few seasons, and they finally got together in Season 4. And by the sixth season, it was time to take their relationship to the next level with a wedding set at Niagara Falls, with the entire office making the trek to, of course, wreak havoc on the occasion. But …
Truly one of the most iconic relationships in TV history is Jim and Pam from The Office, but an alternative plan for the show’s final season would have seen the couple completely split up. Fans of The Office delighted when John Krasinski’s Jim and Jenna Fischer’s Pam finally got together in Season 3 after three years of flirting and longing from afar, and as the show progressed things were pretty much peachy for this #relationshipgoals couple all the time. Until Season 9, that is. Quite possibly the most stressful season in The Office’s history, the ninth …
In "Christmas Party," episode 10 of The Office's second season, the Dunder Mifflin secret santa involves (among Michael Scott's iPod debacle) a teapot given to Pam (Jenna Fischer) from Jim (John Krasinski). But it ain't just any ordinary teapot -- inside lies a special note written to Pam from Jim. A note that Pam never read, as Jim pocketed it last-minute -- until the season nine episode "A.A.R.M.," the penultimate episode of the entire series. In that two-parter, Pam finally gets to read the note, she cries, we cry, everyone cries. So, like, what …
Fans fell in love with Jim and Pam's romance on The Office. But in Season 9, Pete and Erin were the new it couple. But both pairs are eerily similar.
Dwight and Pam's friendship took a while to bloom on The Office, but the Dunder Mifflin employees shared many moments worthy of BFF status.
Before Jenna Fischer was cast as Pam Beesly in The Office, a number of other actresses auditioned, including another star from the sitcom.
One of the most grounded people in The Office is Beesly (Halpert). But despite this, she still has her annoying moments. Here are some of the worst.
The Office is one of the most hilarious sitcoms to ever air, and with characters like Pam Beesly, there's plenty of hilarious meme material around!
NBC and the producers of The Office considered giving Jim and Pam a solo spinoff midway through the sitcom's run. Here's why it never happened.
There were a number of fan theories that suggested Jim cheated on Pam during The Office. Here's why that notion never added up based on the evidence.
In the Office season 2 Christmas episode, Jim gave Pam a teapot full of personal gifts, such as the note, seen in season 9, and a casette.
Jim and Pam are The Office's undisputed romantic star, so let's look at the best things they each did for each other.
While Pam can be one of the most normal and sensical characters, she also has her moments of acting rather shamelessly and unabashedly.
The Office has seen many friendships and romances develop over the years, but none have been as precious as Pam and Michael's.
On The Office, Pam Beesly was the sweet OG receptionist. Fans loved her and her romance with Jim, but she had too many moments where she just gave up.
Jim and Pam may be a fan-favorite couple on The Office, but these 10 insufferable instances put that title to the test