Connie Nielsen

Connie Inge-Lise Nielsen (born 3 July 1965) is a Danish actress whose first major role in an English-language film was a supporting role in The Devil's Advocate (1997); Her films include Gladiator (2000), Mission to Mars (2000), One Hour Photo (2002), Basic (2003), The Hunted (2003), The Ice Harvest (2005) and Nymphomaniac (2014). She starred as Meredith Kane on the Starz TV series Boss (2011–2012) and was a lead character in the second season of The Following. She has joined the DC Extended Universe, appearing as Hippolyta in Wonder Woman (2017) and in the upcoming Justice League. Read more on Wikipedia.

Born:Jul 03, 1965 in Elling, Frederikshavn, Denmark
GenreComedy, Drama, Romance
GenreAction, Adventure, Drama
GenreAction, Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, War
GenreDrama, War
GenreAction, Thriller
GenreAction, Drama, Sci-Fi
GenreComedy, Drama, Romance