In the next episode of The CW series Roswell, New Mexico, entitled “Como La Flor,” Liz (Jeanine Mason) and Rosa (Amber Midthunder) are forced to revisit their past when their estranged mother (Bertila Damas) show back up in their lives. At the same time, Max (Nathan Parsons) is trying to make sense of his own past, now that he’s started having flashbacks to childhood memories that have been long buried. During this 1-on-1 phone interview with Collider, actor Nathan Parsons talked about why it was important that his character’s death mean something, the different dynamics in …
In the next episode of The CW series Roswell, New Mexico, entitled “Smells Like Teen Spirit,” a series of flashbacks to 2008, including some glimpses into the prom, will help to uncover secrets about Rosa’s final day. And while that will provide long sought after answers for her sister, Liz Ortecho (Jeanine Mason), it could also destroy any chance of a romantic future with Max Evans (Nathan Parsons). During this 1-on-1 phone interview with Collider, actor Nathan Parsons talked about the positive feedback he’s gotten from fans of the show, what it was like to revisit …
From show creator Carina Adly MacKenzie, the new CW series Roswell, New Mexico tells the story of what happens when Liz Ortecho (Jeanine Mason) returns to the town she grew up in, 10 years after the death of her beloved older sister, only to find that her teenage crush, Max Evans (Nathan Parsons), is now a police officer with secrets of his own. When Liz finds herself in a situation where Max reveals to her that he, his sister Isobel (Lily Cowles) and their friend Michael (Michael Vlamis) are actually aliens with otherworldly abilities that they’ve had to keep …