DC Comics has solicited the first issue of their prequel to 2023's The Flash, and for some reason, one of the covers features a naked rendition of Ezra Miller's Barry Allen.
The Flash is heading to the multiverse, where there are doppelgängers aplenty.
Billy Crudup will reprise his role as Barry Allen's father in The Flash in a new contract he's signed with Warner Bros.
Today during its DC Fandome panel, The Flash revealed that Barry Allen (Ezra Miller) will have a new suit. You may recall that the suit he was sporting in Zack Snyder’s movies was a little over-designed. It was far too conscious of being “realistic” which meant it had plates and wires to disperse electricity, which makes some sense, but doesn’t really look all that great. Director Andy Muschietti revealed that for The Flash solo movie, Barry will now have a new suit that was designed by Bruce Wayne because when the formula of mentor superhero and proté…
One character erased from the Arrowverse by Barry Allen's actions in Flashpoint was brought back into existence by Crisis on Infinite Earths.
The Flash has seen many people take up the mantle, with the most iconic being Barry Allen & Wally West. But which one is the better Flash?
The Flash is destined to sacrifice his life in Crisis on Infinite Earths - but would the Arrowverse really kill off one of its most popular heroes?
The Flash has just introduced a new weakness for Barry Allen - one that could be crucial in the coming Crisis on Infinite Earths.
The Flash season 6, premiere, "Into The Void," has confirmed the exact date that Barry Allen will disappear during Crisis on Infinite Earths.
According to The Flash boss Eric Wallace, Barry will die in the Arrowverse's upcoming Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover, airing this December.
New Vancouver set photos from filming of The Flash season 6 surface, potentially teasing Barry Allen transforming into the Negative Flash.
The DC superheroes Barry Allen and Wally West have been in a race since 1959, but which version of The Flash is the ultimate speedster?