Focus Features has released the first trailer for Luke Greenfield's heartfelt new comedy Half Brothers. The film stars Luis Gerardo Méndez as Renato, a successful Mexican aviation executive who is shocked to discover he has an American half-brother he never knew about -- the free-spirited Asher (Connor Del Rio). The two very different half-siblings are forced on a road trip together to trace the path their ailing father took as an immigrant from Mexico to the U.S. Eduardo Cisneros and Jason Shuman co-wrote and produced the film, which co-stars Juan Pablo Espinosa, José …
Five years after the success of Let's Be Cops, Luke Greenfield is stepping behind the camera again to direct the comedy Half-Brothers for Focus Features, Collider has exclusively learned. One of Mexico's biggest stars, Luis Gerardo Mendez, is attached to star in the film, which follows two half-brothers who are put to the test when they're sent on a wild goose chase to uncover their dying father's mysteries. Eduardo Cisneros (Instructions Not Included), Jason Shuman and Greenfield co-wrote the script, and the three of them will produce alongside Jason Benoit. Production is slated …