Aaron Eckhart

Aaron Edward Eckhart (born March 12, 1968) is an American film and stage actor. Born in Cupertino, California, he moved to the UK at age 13, when his father relocated the family. Several years later, he began his acting career by performing in school plays, before moving to Sydney, Australia for his high school senior year. He left high school without graduating, but earned a diploma through an adult education course, and graduated from Brigham Young University (BYU) in 1994 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in film. For much of the mid-1990s, he lived in New York City as a struggling, unemployed actor. Read more on Wikipedia.

Born Name:Aaron Edward Eckhart
Born:Mar 12, 1968 in Cupertino, CA, United States
GenreAction, Crime, Drama, Thriller
GenreComedy, Drama
GenreBiography, Drama
GenreComedy, Drama
GenreHorror, Mystery, Thriller
GenreAction, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
GenreAction, Thriller
GenreComedy, Drama, Romance