Juliette Lewis

Juliette L. Lewis (born June 21, 1973) is an American actress and singer. She gained fame for her role in Martin Scorsese's 1991 remake of the thriller Cape Fear for which she was nominated for both an Academy Award and Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actress. This followed with major roles in What's Eating Gilbert Grape, Natural Born Killers, Strange Days, The Evening Star, Kalifornia, From Dusk till Dawn, and The Other Sister. Her work in television has resulted in two Emmy nominations. Read more on Wikipedia.

Born:Jun 21, 1973 in Los Angeles, CA, United States
GenreMusic, Short Film
GenreComedy, Drama, Romance
GenreBiography, Documentary, Music
GenreDocumentary, Sports
GenreDrama, Short Film
GenreMusic, Short Film
GenreDrama, Musical
GenreComedy, Drama